Friday, June 24, 2005

Me again.

It has been too busy to write blog lately. Virtually no time to do anything for myself. But if I want to blame anyone, I have to blame myself. Honestly, I have been procrastinating for too long, and now everything is chassing up to me.

"Procrastinating is the thief of time". Read that when I was in secondary school, I understand the meaning, but I never realised the effect, then or now.

By the way, I am finally connected to Streamyx. But still without the free modem. Then why? u ask? Don't ask.... I am too tired to explain. It's a long story........ The thing is, it turn out that Streamyx is just another way to connect to the internet. Nothing more. Why was I so frustrated then. Ego? perhaps.

My girlfriend would say that, after I have Streamyx I will not think of her that much... But if only she knows that, "What life is life, if Kai Lee do not by".....
Even the force cannot help. :P

Was going to write something about patriotism the other day. I took some photos of "patriotism" from somewhere near where I am working now. Ya, about partiotism again... I am patriotic... You do not believe me?? hahaha.... Anyway, will write about that, when I find a way to upload the pictures to my computer.

Getting fat lately.... really need to do some exercise! hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better start to do more exercise lo..... hehehe