Saturday, February 18, 2006

Benefits of Being A Lirarian

Some months ago, I proposed to my company management that the company needed a more systematic way of managing all the reference books that were purchased. Then some months later, I was ask to setup a system and catalogue all the books. Unofficially, I guess, I have become the company librarian.

But being a librarian is not bad at all. Though, extra work... but I get to learn a how to set up an open source Library System, OPAC.... Well, I must say it was bit frustration, but overall it was chanllenging and fun.

Cataloging the books are the worst part of all... stacks of books and only 1 pair of hands.. Even with that, 1 hand can only control a few keys. Not to mention, 1 of the hand have got to manage the mouse as well... What to do, limited resources. If there is really Intelligent design, the architect should have design man with 4 arms.. Just joking !! :P

Anyway, the hard works are rewarded in a mysterious way. As most of the books are flowing back to the company, I discovered alot of very good books that the company posess. Be it in management, software development or down to those technical one. If all these books are shared among the colleagues, I am sure every one will be benefited. But I guess this is not an ideal world.

Hopefully with the new library system installed, everyone would realised the importance of sharing.

And now I think I know what you tried to say to me
how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they're not
list'ning still
perhaps they never will.

--Vincent (Stary stary night), Don McLean

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