Friday, April 29, 2005

The FORCE is strong in this one!

System.out.println("HELLO WORLD!");

-- finally i have my own weblogs online. The first blog is the hardest... you just got the feeling of don't know what to write... i mean, what do i have, that i can share with others?

Hmmn... lets see......should i share everything?

~Yoda speaks faintly from far: "share or share not, there is no share half half."~

Oh no! i am getting too deep into this StarWars thing...

better get back to work now...

~Feel the force surround you, from the trees outside the office, from the computer infront of you (correction, that is a known force call X-Ray) and the time before break time.~

hehe talks too much liao..

1 comment:

Dragon City said...

Yo...finally u have become a blogger...congratulations...