Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My papercraft hobby

I like to DIY stuff. Since I was a little kid, like to make my own toys. Especially after watching movies like Ghost busters, Mcgyver, Mission Impossible (The TV series), I used to think that I am Mcgyver. My dream tool at that time was to own a Swiss Army multipurpose pocket knife, the one just like Mcgyver's.

During my teen, when I have money, I would spend it on buying model kit. Robots, Space shuttle, Battleships, Jet planes and Sail boat, I used to play with those model kits once in my teens. But none of them survive until now. Most of them were distroy while in the making, and some destroyed after completed. It never became a hobby of mine, and I never did actually appreciate the fun making such models. It was just for fun, for that short while.

At one point of time, I was trying to play with electronic component, builiding my own alarm system, disassemble my radio contorl car to fit into other gadget so that I can control it, at that point of time, I could have become an inventor, or even Electronic engineer. But I didn't.

There were too much of "I could have", and too much of "I shoul have"..... The reason was, I was impatient. I wasn't even sure of what my intention was then, except plain naive.

Until recently, instead of playing with expensive model kits, I found another alternative that is equally challenging and enjoyable. It is the papercraft, or some people call it paper model. Only this time, I have more patient.:P

Papercraft template can be downloaded from the internet for free, well, some of them are free. And unlike plastic model kit, for papercraft, you need to have a good knife and scissor, white glue (not too watery type) and good color printer. And the fun starts even when searching for a nice template. You can find so many interesting template online. Like me, I have downloaded so many templates, and they are all in "my documents" waiting for me to transform them from few pieces of paper to a real model. Believe me, it is a lot of fun.

I have been working on some papercraf model since 2006. But it is until now that I dare to try some higher difficulty model. I am still very new in this area, but I hope this will become my hobby and hopefully one day I will be able to design my own papercraft.

Here are some of my recent accomplishments. :)

R2-D2 (Completed in 1 weekends, Difficulty- easy)

Lens Head Type-B (Completed in about 4 weekends, Difficulty- moderate)
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Did I mentioned that the Lens head got moving parts too??

Monday, August 04, 2008

What do you want?

Really, what do you want? now? in your life? in the next five years? What do you really really want? Have you ever thought about it?

Now, when you have thought about what you really want, what are you going to do about it?

Will you work hard for it? Will you achieve it? Or, it is just another dream of yours? Another accumulated unfulfilled, neglected or even forgotten dreams.

The question is, if you really want it, why not have it (legally and ethically that is)? Why? Or perhaps too many negative comments from other people or too little support from others, especially those close to you?

I am too familiar with those experience. When you try so hard to achieve something you want, some people always (they never failed) to discourage you. They will tell you words, and words that hurt you deep inside. Refuse to befriend you, insult you, sabotage you, laugh at you, criticize you, until, you give up or failed. And then they hug you and say... "I told you so...".

People do it, as if they do not want you to be successful in what you wanted. They call it "Caring" and "Love". But, "Caring" and "Love" suppose to be synonym for "Support" and "Let go". If your love one wanted to do something they like, something they dream off, you let them go and do it, and along the way, you support them. Isn't this the way to go? Instead, people often do the other way round, and call it "Love". They only "Love" you, when you do what they want you to do. A "Love" that comes with a price tag attached......

Some might argue that, they know that you will get hurt, and thats why they stop you, they discourage you even before everything began. And so you do not have to waste too much energy and time into it.

But, they forgotten one thing... They are not god. They are not the all knowing, almighty! How can they possibly know if this is not the way for you? Or know that you will not succeed?

Perhaps they are the one who failed to climb over the brick wall of dream. And they are thinking, if they cannot climb over, no one else can. Ignorance fool.

Be wise, listen to those who had climbed over the brick wall. Listen to those who had been successful. Learn from them. Thats the way to go.

Here I attached a special video specially make for all of us who bravely pursuing our dreams!

Learn from the frog.....